Introduction to Open Sourcery

“OSS; where did it start and where is it going?” This is one of IT’s biggest and longest debates. Corporates fear and love it at the same time, home users don’t know and the majority of it’s users like it because it’s ‘free’.

What is OSS, or Open Source, and what does it mean to us? The answer to this one might just land you an honourary doctorate, or on a hitlist of some giant software company. But one thing is for sure, open source is a major driving factor in the future of ICT and all of us need to educate ourselfs in its ways and workings.

One of the biggest pillars of Open Source is the collaborative effort that goes into making the software. In an ideal world every user of open source should contribute in some way, to help the projects. Open source does not always have corporate budgets and cannot fully compete with proprietory software on all fields. This is my contribution to the software and their projects, an effort to educate and enrich those willing to learn what the revolution is all about.

Join me as we explore both parts of the coin, light and dark, to see where we can fit open source into our modern technology driven society. I’m exploring everything from lowering TCO to just doing cool stuff. Everythings out there, let’s make use of it and change the way we use technology in our everyday lives…

In closing, WikiPedia defines Open Source as follows:

Under the Open Source Definition, licenses must meet ten conditions in order to be considered open source licenses:

  1. Free Redistribution: the software can be freely given away or sold.
  2. Source Code: the source code must either be included or freely obtainable.
  3. Derived Works: redistribution of modifications must be allowed.
  4. Integrity of The Author’s Source Code: licenses may require that modifications are redistributed only as patches.
  5. No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups: no-one can be locked out.
  6. No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor: commercial users cannot be excluded.
  7. Distribution of License: The rights attached to the program must apply to all to whom the program is redistributed without the need for execution of an additional license by those parties.
  8. License Must Not Be Specific to a Product: the program cannot be licensed only as part of a larger distribution.
  9. License Must Not Restrict Other Software: the license cannot insist that any other software it is distributed with must also be open source.
    1. License Must Be Technology-Neutral: no click-wrap licenses or other medium-specific ways of accepting the license must be required.

For more information visit these pages

Welcome to the Open Sourcery Archives. These are my older blog posts, from days gone by. I'm keeping them up as part of the historical record. That, and I'm strangely sentimental about them. Please keep in mind that things most certainly have changed since these articles were written, links to external sites might be broken, and general thinking might have changed.

Regardless of all this, I hope you enjoy your stay!