I checked up on ActiveRecord::Tableless and saw a fork that had some promising changes in, so I set out to pull those changes back to my repo. Seemed simple enough, I followed Steven Bristol’s steps and it worked.
The changes made by Peter Wagenet were simple and very useful, thanks Pete!
I’ll start working on specs for the project closer to the end of the week, for now my focus is on getting BIND DLZ on Rails ready for its first public appearance.
Welcome to the Open Sourcery Archives. These are my older blog posts, from days
gone by. I'm keeping them up as part of the historical record. That, and I'm
strangely sentimental about them.
Please keep in mind that things most certainly have changed since these articles
were written, links to external sites might be broken, and general thinking might
have changed.
Regardless of all this, I hope you enjoy your stay!