I’m proud to announce the first push to Github of the BIND DLZ on Rails project. Its still pretty much a work in progress, but this is the first draft and opens the door for feedback by the community before the project has evolved too far.
Highlights so far
- Multiple roles (admins or domain owners)
- Zone & Record Templates
- Fairly good test coverage with RSpec
- Some documentation
For those who are curious, its built using:
- Rails 2.0.2
- Haml 2.0
- restful_authentication plugin (and acts_as_state_machine, role_requirement)
- will_paginate
- seed-fu
- rspec and rspec_on_rails
This might be a little sketchy, apologies in advance. I’ll work on a proper document as part of the source code.
- Ruby 1.8.6
- Rubygems v 1.0 or later
- MySQL (other databases will work, although I haven’t tested them)
- Git
After installing the prerequisites, you need to create a database for the application to use. By default it expects “bind_dns_development” as the database name, you can however change config/database.yml to point to anywhere.
To get the database structure in place, with some seed data to play with, run these commands
$ rake db:schema:load $ rake db:seed
The seed data will create a single user called “admin”, with the password “secret”.
To start a server, do this
$ ./script/server
This shows you the interface on port 3000.
Stay tuned
Please watch/fork the repo as appropriate, and file tickets on Lighthouse. As I’m typing this post I realize you much documentation is still lacking for non-Rails developers.
Thanks to ISP in a Box for allowing us to build this project in company time and giving us the required infrastructure, support and human testing during the development, now and in the coming months.