• 2 min read

nginx – Reading the fine print

Surely your Rails app flies, no request takes longer than 60 seconds to complete, ever. You’ve proven that Rails can scale and all that jazz. Surely you’ve really spent the time to read the nginx wiki and customize Ezra’s nginx.conf to such a degree...

  • 0 min read

Converting a mercurial repo to git

Keeping with the exodus from SVN/Mercurial to git, here is a super quick guide for converting a Mercurial repo to git.

  1. Get the fast-export script via git:

    git clone git://repo.or.cz/fast-export.git

  2. Make a new (empty) git repo for the project that...

  • 0 min read

Cohosting on Rubyforge & GitHub

Thanks to Dr Nic Williams for highlighting this at such an awesome time. I’ve got the source for ActiveRecord::Tableless now on GitHub and RubyForge, thanks to git. So you can grab a copy any time you want and contribute patches 😃

Get the code via...

  • 0 min read

ActiveRecord::Tableless 0.1

ActiveRecord::Tableless has just been released to Rubyforge.org

First made popular on the (now extinct) RailsWeenie.com fourms, the tableless model has been very popular. Why a tableless model? Read on…


ActiveRecord::Tableless allows you...

  • 0 min read

Cleaning up capistrano deployments

The basic “cap deploy:cleanup” does its job well, but can leave traces behind.

I recently picked up that one of my servers in a Rails cluster had plenty more release directories than its peers, and they were very old. I was baffled, how does this...

  • 0 min read

Cheating Git

Nope, its not another post about how incredible git is, instead I’m just gonna highlight a quick way to get used to git and/or git-svn during the transition (yes, resistance is futile).

$ sudo gem install cheat
$ cheat git
$ cheat gitsvn

No need...

  • 0 min read

Gentoo rant

I’ve been playing with Gentoo the last couple of days, and what a pleasure it has been! I’ve moved most of my development from PHP to either Python or Ruby (more on that later), in favour of speed and productivity. CentOS was just giving me more troubles...

  • 2 min read

The real power of open-source

My first post in a while, I have seriously neglected the whole blog…

Back to business, this blog was conceptualized to focus on some of the real benefits of using open-source software in business. Not the kind of business that Novell and IBM try to...

  • 0 min read

Freedom Toaster

The Freedom Toaster allows people to stop by and pickup a linux distribution of their choice at the click of a button!

Absolutely amazing, what will we see next…?

  • 1 min read

Easy video playback in Linux

Just sharing a quick thought really. I must admit that I thought it would be a real effort to get AVI files to play in Linux, especially DivX. DVD’s sounded even more unrealistic. To my surprise I discovered two applications that made this job really...